Success Stories:
Her Story Her Way

"It is not enough to be a hardworker; so are the Donkey’s. The question is: What are we working hard on?" –Anupama Shetty  

Brief introduction about yourself and tell us something about iCreation and
For me Simplicity is creativity, I’m a persuasive communicator, with unique combination of Creative Copy, Social Media and public relations. ‘A Creative problem solver who sees context as well as details in all business dealings; I’m a communicator and strategist, with visualizing skills that can make any process, product or policy interesting to any target. Some say that, People who are Creative are weird…actually few say that to me also, but, I take it as a compliment as I know ‘m limited edition ;) Well about iCreation, it is a full service agency that delivers compelling digital marketing solution. Our winning strategies, solutions and experience helps to deliver great results across several key areas; search engine optimization, social media marketing, email marketing and digital marketing. This combination has helped many of our Brands to interact and engage with their customers the new better way. And, is a free launch platform for the Buyers and sellers (SME’s)around the world.  

How difficult is to manage your professional life wearing two hats?
Initially, it was a bit difficult to juggle between home and work, but, I have been lucky as my family is a great support. So it was easy to concentrate and I could comfortably balance my family and professional life.  

How has been your journey been so far? Also, please share your future goals?
I started my career as a copywriter, writing for Greeting Cards, I have written for brands like Marks, ITC expression, Monarch then switched to content writing for websites, further ventured into communication and PR and slowly got acquainted to the Online Media Power, and the quest for learning the same started in 2008, now ‘m into a full-fledged Digital Media Marketing Business. My goal is to launch a brand which will give employment to every women specially uneducated women, exposure to a lot of new talent and my dream is to contribute to the ‘Make in India’ concept. (The Project is in the Making). I wish someone supports me in my dream project.  

What all challenges did you face at the professional front, while making a mark in life?
Challenges were when I started on my own, it was very difficult to get people to work with me, people thought it is a start-up, will it survive or is it stable to join or associate. There were some clients who took undue advantage of my company services by saying that we will offer you partnership and more biz leads, offer us free digital services or it in a minimal cost, etc. I trusted them initially and had a hard time giving free service, none of them helped, I was struggling with overheads, manpower, and loss of finance, no savings left. Din’ even have to pity myself… As ‘Till the time they got free services they worked with me and then they left once started charging and sharing about my expense for their account. But this had to happen, as I was learning to be stronger, I did not give up. These experiences made me stronger, It helped me communicate right with people. Life is a story-telling; every moral makes you more confident, successful and powerful.  

What are your views on the thought, that as compared to male counterparts, it’s harder and more struggling for females to make a mark professionally?
As an entrepreneur today I have maximum female staff, but as a professional I have always worked with men, you may be surprised to read this, but it is the fact, that every organization I joined, I was the only female member in the team, there was a lot of mental pressure, competition, to be better, always to prove from scratch, all such instances makes us feel very weak, though we are good in your job. There were obstacles, so I could know the solutions However luckily, if there is bad, there good, so the good has always helped me.  

What piece of advice would you like to give to the aspiring youth who wish to pursue their dream of becoming an entrepreneur?
‘Knowing your importance, knowing who you are, its only you… who will make yourself stronger, believe in you, and follow your dreams and you are sure to achieve it.  

According to you, what are the top three essential skills needed to be a successful professional?
1. Clear Communication | Self Starter |Be YOU
2. Result Oriented
3. "It is not enough to be a handworker; so are the Donkey’s. The question is: What are we working hard on?" –Anupama Shetty

How do you manage the work-life balance?
Work for me a long holiday ‘m enjoying, though there some hurdles on the way, but ‘m strong enough to face them all, so life has to be more beautiful J  

What are your views and opinions towards the ambiguous need to promote women entrepreneurship and women empowerment in India?
The subject of empowerment of women has becoming a burning issue all over the world. This new pattern of working wives and mothers has affected the status of women in many ways. Women’s monetary independence leads them to the way to empowerment. In brief, economic independence of women is changing their overall equations, perspective and outlook. Women entrepreneurs’ should be promoted in India and all over the world, and she should get all the support required. I believe that every woman is special, whether she is a house maker or an entrepreneur she puts her heart and soul and makes the world a best place to live.