Success Stories:
Her Story Her Way

Brief introduction about yourself and tell us something about The Tech Scribes?
I am Vineela. I come from a humble middle class family in Andhra Pradesh. I started my career as a Technical Writer at Cognizant Technologies, where my passion for Technical writing was ignited. I was super excited about my profession and motivated myself to do my best. As I came from a Non-technical background, I had my apprehensions on how I could handle Technology. But with the support of my family and by the grace of God, I have been appreciated and commended for my work as a Technical Writer. My next stint was at HCL Technologies, where I was pushed to my limits by my mentor and guide, Mr.Benny Joseph. He had put me into projects where I had to learn and motivate myself. I was sent on onsite jobs to Europe and USA, which proved beneficial for my career. For me, Technical Writing is a passion. I grew up in my career to become a Lead Writer and a Senior Technical writer in just 3 years. In 2011, I had quit my job as the responsibilities of a Documentation Manager meant late night calls and longer time in office. This also meant that I have to miss my childrens’ study time and dinner time. I wanted to be with them as they were growing up. My husband is in the top management in an IT company, and he also works long hours. So, I decided to quit. Then, I had a personal tragedy when I lost my father. This created a vacuum in me and I was unable to bear the loss of a dad who never treated me or my sister any less than my brother. In fact, he taught us to be self-reliant and independent, and courageous in this male dominated society. Though he was not rich, he did not deny us the education we wanted. He chose the best of schools and colleges. Miss you, dad. At that time, I wanted to do something to keep me occupied. I had become an accomplished Technical Writer, and so believed that I could guide a few people to choose this elusive career, Technical Writing. Me along with my husband’s support started The Tech Scribes on June 20th, 2011, which also is my elder son Jonathan’s birthday. I started as a Training Institute for Technical Writing with four students, who were my husband’s friends’ wives and home makers. I wanted to empower these women to be independent and contribute to the family as well as to the society, as I wanted to do the same then. I believe that if a woman takes up a challenge, nothing can stop her desire to succeed with the Almighty’s grace. The Tech Scribes has been a center to show direction to youth and the middle aged to overcome the traditions of society and get into a lucrative and exciting profession of Technical Writing. I have trained about 85 students in Technical Writing and have placed them in good companies. I have worked with very good students who had come from different backgrounds, girls, boys, men, women of all ages and education back ground. I made them realize their potential and helped them achieve their ambitions, which is a morale booster to me every day. The satisfaction of watching young people (who go around aimlessly) and home makers (who never had a chance to work after marriage), don a different cap and earn laurels in Technical Writing is unexplainable. I thank God for giving me an opportunity to share my knowledge and help them acquire jobs in the industry. The Tech Scribes has placed Technical Writers in many IT companies such as Wipro, Ramco, HCL, Encore, 3I Infotech, Transworld, Pellucid Technologies to name a few. The Tech Scribes soon spread its wings in providing Documentation Services as well. The Tech Scribes boasts of having a strong team of 15 Technical Writers and a competent Project Manager, Sharmila, working along with me to render documentation services to more than 30 companies across the globe. My team, my extended family, is my back bone and pillar of support. The Tech Scribes handles Technical Documentation projects for many IT companies now. We work with clients in Singapore, Taiwan, a few in Europe and the US. We also work with many companies in Tamil Nadu, Hyderabad, Bangalore, and Mumbai. We have handled all the documentation requirements of these companies. Now, The Tech Scribes stands tall among its predecessors in imparting Technical Writing training and providing quality technical documentation services.  

Please share your future goals for The Tech Scribes?
I have a very clear vision right in front of me. I want The Tech Scribes to become a global partner to small and large companies, in providing effective and quality technical documentation. I intend to enhance a world of free self-motivating individuals to achieve their lofty dreams and rule their destiny. I believe in fostering a winning network of satisfied customers and building mutual trust and loyalty.  

What all challenges did you face and what were your strategies to overcome them?
Every Indian woman has her share of challenges, but I never gave into this pressure. I have taken every obstacle as a challenge to become an accomplished person, stronger in mind and soul. This has proven advantageous, as now, I have learnt to stand tall amidst chaos and pressure. My family and especially my father in law and mother in law have been my strength at all times. I have an unfailing faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ and believe that whatever happens to us, happens for a reason and it usually is good. I cannot thank my Lord enough for making me what I am today. I am blessed with His mercies.  

What piece of advice would you like to give to the aspiring youth who wish to pursue their dream of becoming an entrepreneur?
Never give up. Follow your dream. There will be times when you feel desperate but there will always be a silver lining to the darkest of clouds. So trust in God and move on. Take life as it comes and enjoy every moment of it. It is your life and your dream, live to the fullest and enjoy what you do. But remember success and failures are bound to happen but you must work harder with earnestness, dedication, and commitment. Remember that there is no shortcut to success.  

According to you, what are the top three essential skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur?
Understanding the industry needs, willingness to take risk, hard work and passion to do better and most of all enjoy the work you do.  

How do you manage the work life balance?
I would not say it has been a smooth ride. It is difficult to manage a company and a family. But with the unfailing support of my in-laws, I have been able to cope with my work. I still feel, I could have done more to my kids. I live with a regret that I cannot spend time with my kids because of my work commitments. But I run this company with a vision that one day my sons can take over the reins and help change lives of many disillusioned youth and the enthusiastic home makers who want to make a difference in their lives.  

What are your views and opinions towards the ambiguous need to promote women entrepreneurship and women empowerment in India?
We notice that the percentage of women entrepreneurs is growing tremendously. I believe the time is right for women to take bigger roles in the family, and steer towards better living. Time is ripe for women to broader their horizon and dream big. 

Words for IWIL I am not sure if my story is worthy enough to be published but I would be blessed if any one person who reads this can be inspired to follow his/her heart and achieve the elusive success in life. I thank the people at IWIL for giving me this unique opportunity to share my experiences of being an entrepreneur. I never ever dreamt of becoming an entrepreneur, but God’s grace and my family’s encouragement has helped me do this. I feel you are doing a commendable job at IWIL. Keep up the good work and God bless you all. I would like to recollect few words of APJ Abdul Kalam to conclude, “Empowering Women is a prerequisite for creating a good nation, when women are empowered, society with stability is assured. Empowerment of women is essential as their thoughts and their value systems lead to development of good family, good society and ultimately good nation”. God bless!